What is Storytelling and Why are Brands So Interested In It?
Discover the world of storytelling with Seguel Claudio and learn what this concept brings to contemporary brands. In the world of modern advertisement, there are few words more touted around than storytelling. It is intended to define communication strategies that, among other things, engage the audience and help cultivate the brand image or identity. If you ask about the exact meaning of storytelling, however, you'll find very different answers depending on who you talk to. So we decided to use one of the most reliable sources in the world of branding: Claudio Seguel (@claudioseguel), a publicist, storyteller, and writer who, aside from teaching workshops on storytelling and advise brands on the subject through its consulting company Brandstory, is a founding partner of the Copywriter Festival and a university teacher. Find out what storytelling means and why all brands are interested in this concept.