• What is Storytelling and Why are Brands So Interested In It?

    What is Storytelling and Why are Brands So Interested In It?

    Discover the world of storytelling with Seguel Claudio and learn what this concept brings to contemporary brands. In the world of modern advertisement, there are few words more touted around than storytelling. It is intended to define communication strategies that, among other things, engage the audience and help cultivate the brand image or identity. If you ask about the exact meaning of storytelling, however, you'll find very different answers depending on who you talk to. So we decided to use one of the most reliable sources in the world of branding: Claudio Seguel (@claudioseguel), a publicist, storyteller, and writer who, aside from teaching workshops on storytelling and advise brands on the subject through its consulting company Brandstory, is a founding partner of the Copywriter Festival and a university teacher. Find out what storytelling means and why all brands are interested in this concept.

  • 22 Essential Capture One Keyboard Shortcuts and how to create your own

    22 Essential Capture One Keyboard Shortcuts and how to create your own

    Discover how to create your own keyboard shortcuts, in addition to learning the basic ones, for this RAW editing software Capture One is an application developed by Phase One, a manufacturer of medium format digital camera systems. They created it to enhance the workflow in photography and get great results. It focuses on cataloging collections of images, developing RAW files, and professional color grading. The program uses its own processing engine and takes advantage of the RAW shooting mode in cameras. This mode offers a wider range of editing possibilities because the files have the largest range of information captured by the camera sensor. That way, you can better work out the details and colors on the image, making it one of the best applications for digital photography. Designed by and for professional photographers, Capture One provides full control over every aspect of the image with many customizable tools. One of its best features is the long list of keyboard shortcuts and the fact that, in addition to the default ones, you can also create your own.

  • What Is an Art Curator?

    What Is an Art Curator?

    Julius Wiedemann tells us what an art curator is and what their job consists of within an art exhibition

  • Cinema 4D Tutorial: cloning methods in MoGraph
    3D & Animation

    Cinema 4D Tutorial: cloning methods in MoGraph

    Learn the best way to clone models using the Cinema 4D MoGraph module The MoGraph module is one of the most important tools that users of the Cinema 4D animation software have for animating objects and creating special effects. With MoGraph you can make models explode, control them using other objects, deform them or create infinite movements. Zigor Samaniego (@zigor), illustrator, modeler, and designer specialized in Photoshop, Cinema 4D and After Effects has a vast experience in this field. In this tutorial, he explains the different cloning modes and tools found within this module of Cinema 4D.

  • What is UX?

    What is UX?

    Strike Heredia, a designer specializing in user experience and digital products, clarifies what UX is. UX has a never-ending list of definitions and they are becoming more extensive day by day. There's a good reason for it. Although UX started as a collection of techniques used in websites and apps, they are being increasingly applied to all kinds of places. Peruvian designer Strike Heredia has spent years helping all kinds of consumer brands overcome their design, creativity and strategy problems. He also designs the UX layer upon which digital products are built. He will help us land on a definition of UX that promises to dispel some of the most common misconceptions.

  • 10 essential keyboard shortcuts to master Adobe After Effects
    Web & App Design

    10 essential keyboard shortcuts to master Adobe After Effects

    Be more efficient in your motion graphics workflow using these shortcuts in After Effects There are two ways to multiply your productivity during the creative process: have a good team and know the essential keyboard shortcuts. Like many other programs, Adobe After Effects lets you perform actions and select options much faster using key combinations. This helps simplify various repetitive tasks we sometimes have to perform in After Effects and allows us to focus on the creation and composition of professional-looking motion graphics and effects special. These are the 10 essential shortcuts you should know to be more efficient in After Effects CC:

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