AsimaFrancesX. SaadMaura

AsimaFrancesX. SaadMaura

University Professor - Retired

Ponce, Puerto Rico

AsimaFrancesX. SaadMaura

I was born, raised, educated and married in Ponce, Puerto Rico (my mother tongue is Spanish). In 1983, my husband and I moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where we raised our four sons (all adults now). I have drawn since I was 11 years old, plus I have done hand-built ceramics, book binding, hand-made paper, together with marbled and paste papers. At the end of July 2021, I “discovered” silverpoint and other metal points, in addition to ballpoint pens: I am enjoying the challenges that both mediums entail. Now that I am retired from Academia, after being a university professor for more than half my life, my passion towards art is stronger than it ever was.


Professional listing

  • AsimaFrancesX. SaadMaura – @afxsaadmaura
  • University Professor - Retired
  • Open to job opportunities, freelance


Joined December 2021