White swan in watercolour using manganese blue, Quinacridone magenta, lemon yellow and black

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  • 16
" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1673352168/content-items/012/974/871/123F6B88-24E9-4CE3-B0B9-BD785CD05FDC-original.jpeg?1673352168">White back of swan accentuated by adding grasses. Soft edges of grasses created by dropping the paint into damp paper.
White back of swan accentuated by adding grasses. Soft edges of grasses created by dropping the paint into damp paper.
Pro By sarah_stokes in White swan in watercolour using manganese blue, Quinacridone magenta, lemon yellow and black 10.01.2023 at 13:02
" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1673352168/content-items/012/974/872/FFFD6E43-0C87-4A0D-989E-90B22B30C5D8-original.jpeg?1673352168">Second layer added, to darken tones and add hard edges, such as the grasses and reeds. These were applied using a rigger
Second layer added, to darken tones and add hard edges, such as the grasses and reeds. These were applied using a rigger

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