Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration

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" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1633051262/content-items/009/260/748/0-1-original.jpeg?1633051262">It's important that the illustration looks good as a black and white drawing before I start adding color.
It's important that the illustration looks good as a black and white drawing before I start adding color.
Pro By curtisillustration in Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration 01.10.2021 at 17:05
" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1633100749/content-items/009/265/452/h-original.jpg?1633100749">Once I finished the drawing, I experimented with different color palettes until I found a good set of colors.
Once I finished the drawing, I experimented with different color palettes until I found a good set of colors.
Pro By curtisillustration in Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration 01.10.2021 at 18:14
" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1633104844/content-items/009/265/940/Screen%2520Shot%25202021-10-01%2520at%252011.10.13%2520AM-original.png?1633104844">I decided to create a brush for the repeating pattern around her eyes.  This saves a lot of time.
I decided to create a brush for the repeating pattern around her eyes. This saves a lot of time.
Pro By curtisillustration in Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration 03.09.2021 at 14:28
" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1630672081/content-items/009/002/492/large_414772_idjopequqgfseax6a8np9wptm-original.jpg?1630672081">I added subtle gradients to certain details in the lips, cheekbone, nose, and the flowers.
I added subtle gradients to certain details in the lips, cheekbone, nose, and the flowers.
Pro By curtisillustration in Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration 03.09.2021 at 14:28
" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1630672079/content-items/009/002/482/large_414772_0ddis760gz4obmjnenudsgosl-original.jpg?1630672079">Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration 6
Pro By curtisillustration in Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration 03.09.2021 at 14:28
" href="https://cdn.domestika.org/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,q_auto/v1630672081/content-items/009/002/493/large_414772_jj_uk7scfyustt7qudirdkjqd-original.jpg?1630672081">Then I placed the image onto a mock up to get an idea of how the final rash guard layout would look.
Then I placed the image onto a mock up to get an idea of how the final rash guard layout would look.
Pro By curtisillustration in Flow N Roll "Sugar Skulls" rash guard illustration 03.09.2021 at 14:28