Mi Proyecto del curso: Ilustración vectorial isométrica desde cero
by Claudia Silva @claudia_silva
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Acá les presento mi propuesta de Ilustración vectorial isométrica desde cero "We are all One, We are Love"
Here is my proposal of isometric vector illustration from scratch "We are all One, We are Love".
Desarrollo del Proceso
Todo comenzó a partir del proyecto final que realicé para el curso: “Técnicas de Ilustración con Acuarela Digital” de Ricard, donde extraje las última frase de mi propuesta: “We are all One, We are Love”.
Adobe Illustrator
La primera etapa la trabajé en Adobe Illustrator (Ai).
Desde un principio quise aplicar esta oración en las distintas caras de un cubo gigantesco, rodeado de "algo", y que en su interior contuviese un micro mundo isométrico, pero no resultó.
Development of the Process.
It all started from the final project I did for the course: "Illustration Techniques with Digital Watercolor" by Ricard, where I extracted the last sentence of my proposal: "We are all One, We are Love".
Adobe Illustrator
In the first stage I worked in Adobe Illustrator (AI).
From the beginning, I wanted to apply this sentence on the different faces of a gigantic cube, surrounded by "something", and that inside it contained an isometric micro world, but it didn't work out.
Luego, la frase fue aplicada en otra disposición espacial tipo “zig-zag”, en conjunto de “ése algo” que lo rodeara. “Ése algo” podía ser un río, un camino y/o un riel de tren.
Además, para “We are all One” y “We are Love” debía existir una conexión entre ellas, pero que al mismo tiempo los diferenciara, como por ejemplo el uso de un puente.
Los elementos que surgían me llamaban mucho la atención, pero no así la forma de la composición.
Then, the phrase was applied in another "zig-zag" type spatial arrangement in conjunction with "that something" surrounding it. "That something" could be a river, a road, and a railroad track.
Also, for "We are all One" and "We are Love", there had to be a connection between them, but at the same time differentiate them, such as the use of a bridge.
The elements that emerged caught my attention, but not the form of the composition.
Al final, opté por hacer una propuesta estilo “escalonado” y que algunas palabras fuesen los pilares base de los puentes.
In the end, I opted to make a "staggered" style proposal with some words as the base pillars of the bridges.
Desarrollé los elementos esenciales para la composición en una "Mesa de Prototipos", donde implicaban horas y horas de corrección.
I developed the essential elements for the composition in a "Prototyping Table", which involved hours and hours of correction.
Hi Claudia! how divine your project. It really got me completely and the story, ufff. Total admiration for this wonderful piece of art. Thank you for giving me this moment of incredible feeling.
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Scholarship winner@cindyparra_92_2009 Thank you very much for your comment! :)
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Teacher PlusWow! This must be one of my favorite projects of the course, congratulations, great. :)
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Scholarship winner@jorshpena
Thank you for your comment!
It was a very entertaining course, I learned a lot about the style as the tips of the Ai program for a better workflow. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Greetings from Chile!
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